Tender & Cuban

It’s been way too long since my last blog (September!!) .. I think one of my New Year’s Resolution will be to find more time to blog.  I think bi-weekly posts are acceptable, NOT bi-monthly!  Pork is not part of my staple diet.. but I do have some favorite pork recipes including slow cooked ribs, anything with bacon and of course fried egg rolls!

Pork tenderloin was on sale at Market Basket the past week so I picked up a couple of small pork tenderloins at $3.00 each.  I’ve never really roasted a pork tenderloin before so The next I wanted to give it a try.  I looked up a few recipes online and didn’t really find one to my liking.  I marinated the tenderloins overnight with some basic seasoning (salt, black pepper, garlic) and some olive oil.

The next day I roasted the pork in my counter top Nuwave oven… yes.. I said Nuwave oven…Don’t get me wrong,  I have an amazing Electrolux stove, but sometimes its just easier to use the Nuwave oven. No preheating, easier cleaning, and the meat is always in view so burning or overcooking is preventable

For Sunday night’s dinner, we had one of the tenderloins.  I made a balsamic, mushroom and habanero reduction sauce to top off the pork.  The meat was served with with boxed Market Basket brand instant garlic mashed potato (yes… not everything can be made from scratch all the time) and caramelized onions and garlic.  The meal was delicious and I would definitely make it again!

We had a leftover cooked tenderloin that we did not finish.  For leftovers, I created Mami’s own version of the classic “Cuban” sandwich.  The meat retained its juice and was still tender.  The Cuban Classico is one of the Mo’s favorite go to prepared food at Market Basket.  Although, sometimes they skimp on the meat, its still delicious.

I thinly sliced the pork tenderloin and stacked it within a sub roll.  I layered swiss cheese, onions, pickles, hots, pepperonici and spicy mustard on top of the sliced pork.  Next, I lightly buttered the outside of the sub roll and toasted it in a skillet on the stove.   A panini press or a foreman grill would have worked better but ours broke and we got a new one since.  The sandwich was served with sweet potato tater tots! The imitated “Cambodian” version of the Cuban Classic was the “Mo” approved!

For less ethnic flair, try just lettuce, tomato and mayo for a more subtle sandwich.