Mami’s Semi Homemade Pizza

My friend Nat and Melissa makes awesome homemade pizza so I was inspired to make my own “semi” home made version.  I say “semi” home-made because I didn’t make the dough or crust from scratch.

We are huge fans of the Market Basket frozen supreme pizza and that is a staple in our household.  Recently the price seems to keep going up.  Before it was 3/$10.00 and now its a big deal if its 3/$11.00.  I guess you can say everything is going up but I believe Market Basket’s prices are still competitive.

I bought a premade pizza crust that was 2.99 and had a 2.00 coupon and ended up paying only 1.00 at Market Basket.  I also bough the premade garlic Naan indian bread for an additional crust.  Originally, I wanted to grill the pizza but the Mo went golfing and it was too dark out for me to experiment the grilled pizza since it was beyond 8 o clock and I had a few glasses of wine in me.

Pizza 1
Store bought crust
Hunts Spaghetti Sauce
Red Onion
Spicy Sausage, cooked and slice
Store bought sliced pepperoni
Shredded Mozzarella cheese
Sliced Yellow and Orange Bell Peppers

Pizza 2 and 3
Naan Garlic bread

Hunts Spaghetti Sauce
Grilled chicken
canned corn kernels, drained
Grape Tomatos
Feta Cheese (I got the flavored tomato and basil)
Fresh minced garlic
Fresh Mozzarella, sliced

The difference between pizza 2 and 3 is that 3 has jalapenos

** I add a packet of splenda in the tomato sauce for an extra sweetness similiar to Espresso’s Pizza sauce in Lowell. That is our favorite pizza shop in the area as they are known for their special sauce.

You really don’t have to get the fresh mozzarella or the fresh feta cheese. I just really like the creaminess of the fresh mozzarella.  The feta cheese adds a bit of texture and saltiness to the pizza that adds a nice contrasts with the sweet corn.

Feta, Fresh Mozzarella
Feta cheese, Shredded Mozzarella and Fresh Mozzarella

 Pizza 1
Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Place premade crust on pizza pan and generally pour sauce to cover crust. Try to get as close to the edge as possible.

Sprinkle mozzarella cheese and add preferred toppings generously.

 After 12 minutes, remove pizza from oven and let it cool for 2 minutes. Slice pizza and serve with crushed red peppers and fresh parm.

Pizza 2 & 3
Place both naan breads on a pizza dish.  The naan bread is available in a few different varieties including plain, garlic and wheat.

Add Sauce and fresh mozzarella cheese and load it up with your favorite toppings or my suggested toppings.

Since the crust is thinner than the store bought pizza crust, check on the naan pizzas in 8 minutes.  I like to broil it on medium for 2 additional minutes to give it a nice crisp.

You can’t have pizza without wings! So I served then with my favorite BBQ wings.
Seasoned with Sazon seasoning

Tossed in a honey bbq sauce and served with blue cheese.

Balsamic Chicken with Goat Cheese

Original Recipe by Mami Eggroll
This tasty and creamy chicken dish is heartier than a salad without depleting your points at only 10 WW points per a serving.

(4) 4 oz Chicken Breasts
(2) bags of Fresh Baby Spinach
(8) Soft goat Cheese 
(1) Teaspoon of Vegetable oil or cooking spray
Dice the chicken into small bite size cubes
Heat a large skillet to med/high temperature and add oil or spray
Add cut up chicken to skillet and let it sear for two minutes until slightly browned 
Stir chicken so the seared side is now facing up
Let the chicken cook for 2 more minutes (or longer if pink is still visible)
Add a few teaspoons of water and cover until full cooked
Add Ken’s Balsamic Dressing and reduce heat to low and let the sauce simmer
In a medium saucepan, boil 6 cups of water
Add the spinach and turn the heat off, using the hot water to cook the spinach.
Make sure all the spinach is soaked in the water.
After 30 seconds, drain spinach with a colander and plate
Cut up slices of Soft Goat cheese and layer it on the spinach
After the chicken has been simmered for 5 minutes, remove from heat and top the goat cheese/spinach layers .