2011 Recap – Weddings, Babies and Vacations!

I must say, 2011 was a great year! The Mo and I attended 5 beautiful weddings last year,  one being my cousin’s wedding which we were both in the bridal party.  We were supposed to attend 6, but we were away for one.

Rula and Monteiro was the first to kick off their Winter Wonderland Wedding at the Cafe Escadrille in Burlington, Ma.  It was my first Big Fat Greek Wedding!

Rula and Monteiro Jan 2011

July was a tough month, as we had 3 weddings back to back.  In the end, it worked out and we had a blast.  
Greg and Soklim held the multi day traditional Cambodian ceremony at their house and the reception took place at Palain City in Lowell.  Everyone had a blast!

Greg and Soklim  July 2011

Stephanie and Rob had a beautiful traditional Catholic wedding at the Cathedral of the Holycross in Boston.  Their reception was held at the luxurious Boston Harbor hotel overlooking the Boston Waterfront.  I think I even saw John Hernry’s boat!  The food was amazing and the weather was perfect for cocktail hour and hor d’oeuvres.

Image Above  © Brian Phillips Photography  
Rob & Steph July 2011

Pam and Vichet’s wedding was probably the most craziest.  The engagement was in March and the wedding was in July, so there was a lot of planning that had to be done in only 4 months with many family members living out of state.

The traditional Cambodian ceremonies was a tear-jerker for many people.  Her traditional Cambodian outfits were beautiful and Sineth did an amazing job on the decor.  Family and friends had a blast taking shots of Hennessy and dancing the night away at the reception hall in Tenafly, NJ.  Overall, it was a great wedding, and we all had a great time.

Crazy Bridal Party

Judy’s wedding was at Hong Kong restaurant.  We rolled deep and had a whole table to our family.

In addition to the blissful matrimony, we went to many baby showers  and some of our close friends even became new parents.  (Yes, we are accepting applications for new friends).  

Baby Andi
Baby Lucas
Greek Princess Ayanna

My passport expired and I had to renew my passport. We took an amazing vacation to Thailand for almost three weeks and loved almost ever minute of it! We frolicked in the warm waters, attended the infamous Full Moon Party and explored Bangkok.

The only part I didn’t like was our little accident.

Martha’s Vineyard was a great getaway! We drank, we ate, we swam and we sang our hearts out!
Oh yeah, and some of us got lost.

New York was a fun weekend trip! Most importantly and MOST exciting, my friends Alice and Sam got engaged! Yay! So excited for them!

The Mo celebrated a milestone birthday in 2011.  He turned 30! He’s getting old, its ok, they say 30 is the new 20 right?? We did a pub crawl and I made him Surf and turf for his bday dinner.

I am truly blessed to have an amazing family.  This year, we had a great time on our annual camping trip in addition to numerous family gatherings and barbecues.  Although we had a serious scare this year, I am forever grateful that things turned 180 degrees for Mo’s grandma. Looking forward to MANY more family gathers in 2012.

Go Bruins!
Last but not least, the Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup Finals! yaY! We weren’t actually at the finals, but here are pics from the Oilers game.

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