"Game Night" Catered by "Tar-Jay"

Today, I ran out of all purpose flour and needed to make a quick run to refill my stash. I didn’t want to deal with the lines and parking at the Chelmsford Market Basket so I went to Target on Plain Street instead.  The original plan was to be in and out of the store in 5 minutes or less with a sack of flour.  Little did I know, I would be walking out of the store with a carriage full of groceries.


As I browsed the “pantry” section in Target, I walked by some freezers with red clearance labels that caught my eye.  I opened the freezer door to find a variety of frozen appetizers and hors d’oeuvres that were on clearance. I assumed they were about to expire, but upon checking the date, they were all good until 2012.  I checked all the other freezers and there were other items like frozen juices, fries and frozen vegetables on clearance.

20 Minutes Later, I was at home, unloading my trunk with 10 bags of Red Bullseye bags with 41 items and a $51.00 receipt.

I pretty much stocked up for my next party or “game night” spending ONLY  $51.00 and now all I have to do is ask people to BYOB which they usually already do.

Here’s what I will be serving at the next game night:

If you plan on coming, bring your Tums!

I know you are probably thinking, “I can get the same thing at any wholesale club and probably for a better deal! I know they have the Mexican frozen assortment box and the puff pastry assortment box, I’m well aware of it. I think if I was to buy in bulk all the above, I would have too much food and spend more than $50.00. Also, you saw my previous post, I try to avoid Costco’s. Plus, I like the Archer Farm’s brand.. I kinda feel a little fancy.

I also got a bunch of frozen concentrated juice mix for making large batches of alcohol for my parties. I find it tastier to mix alcohol with concentrated juice or crystal light and add only a fraction of the water.
Wild Berry Juice Concentrate– I use this for in sangria along with frozen or fresh fruits, cheap cognac and a big bottle of cheap port wine.
Limonade  Concentrate– this makes for a great Margarita base, just add tequila, a little bit of water, and fresh lime.
Orange Concentrate– this makes for a great mixer for Sex on the Beach. The unflavored vodka dilutes the flavor of the juices, so having a concentrated orange flavor helps in addition to the triple sec or Cointreau

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